Starter quiz

  • Which of the following statements is true of a solution?
    • It has particles that are visible to the naked eye.
    • It is made of two or more substances mixed evenly at the particle level.  ✓
    • It separates into layers when left standing.
    • It can only be made with liquids.
  • Arrange the following states of substances based on their increasing ability to flow, starting with the state that cannot flow.
    • 1
      Substances in the solid state.
    • 2
      Substances in the liquid state.
    • 3
      Substances in the gas state.
  • ______ is the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent.
    • 'solubility' ✓
  • Match the term with its description.
    • Solvent
      A substance into which a solute dissolves. ✓
    • Solute
      A substance that has dissolved into a solvent. ✓
    • Solution
      When a solute and solvent combine, this is formed. ✓
    • Soluble
      When a solute dissolves, it is described as this. ✓
  • What happens to the total mass of substances that are mixed together?
    • They lose mass.
    • They gain mass.
    • Their total mass stays the same.  ✓
    • Their total mass is halved.
  • What is the term for the random motion of particles suspended in a medium?
    • 'brownian motion' ✓