Starter quiz

  • Which particle diagram shows a substance in the solid state?
    Which particle diagram shows a substance in the solid state?
    • a
    • b  ✓
    • c
  • Which of these are mixtures?
    • oxygen
    • air  ✓
    • orange squash  ✓
    • pure water
    • carbon dioxide
  • If a gas was placed into a container, what would you expect the gas particles to do?
    • The particles would collect on one side of the container.
    • The particles would sink to the bottom of the container.
    • The particles would spread to fill the container.  ✓
  • Match the following scientific keywords with the correct description.
    • gas state particles
      are randomly moving and take the shape of the container ✓
    • liquid state particles
      are randomly moving and have no fixed shape ✓
    • solid state particles
      are vibrating and have a fixed shape ✓
    • mixture
      two or more substances that can be physically separated ✓
    • solution
      formed when a substance dissolves in a liquid ✓
    • fluid
      a substance which flows and can be a gas or a liquid ✓
  • What is the scientific term used to describe a substance whose particles can be pushed together into a smaller volume?
    • 'compressible' ✓
  • What is the correct working out to show how much solute was used with 145.63 g of water to create a solution with mass 147.59 g?
    • 147.59 + 145.63 = mass of solute
    • mass of solute = 145.63 - 147.59
    • mass of solute = 147.59 - 145.63  ✓
    • 145.63 x 147.59 = mass of solute