Starter quiz

  • What is the best description of the shape of Earth?
    • flat, like a pancake
    • nearly spherical, like a slightly flat football  ✓
    • an oval - narrow at the sides and big in the middle, like a rugby ball
    • narrow at one end and wide at the other, like an egg
  • Starting with the smallest, put these objects in order of increasing size.
    • 1
      Earth's Moon
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
      the Sun
  • How long does it take for Earth to spin once on its axis?
    • 24 minutes
    • 24 hours  ✓
    • 24 days
    • 28 days
  • Which statement correctly explains why we have day and night.
    • The Sun goes round Earth once every day.
    • The Moon goes round Earth once every day.
    • During the day we face the Sun and during the night we face the Moon.
    • During the day we face the Sun and during the night we face away from the Sun.  ✓
  • Which is the correct statement about Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the stars?
    • they are all round like footballs  ✓
    • Earth and the Sun are round but the Moon and the stars are pointed
    • Earth, the Sun and the stars are round but the Moon changes its shape
  • Which is the correct explanation for why stars seem to move across the sky?
    • stars orbit Earth
    • Earth is spinning  ✓
    • they are satellites
    • the Sun's gravity pulls the stars around Earth