Starter quiz

  • When it is winter in northern Europe, what season is it in South Africa?
    • winter
    • summer  ✓
    • spring
    • autumn
  • What angle is Earth titled at compared with the plane of its orbit?
    • 23.5 degrees  ✓
    • 45 degrees
    • it is not tilted = 0 degrees
    • 90 degrees
  • Which season has the longest days?
    • summer  ✓
    • winter
    • autumn
    • spring
  • What place on Earth experiences 24 hours of daylight on 25th December?
    • the Bermuda Triangle
    • the North Pole
    • the Equator
    • the South Pole  ✓
  • Which places on Earth get the most light from the Sun?
    • places near the South Pole
    • places near the North Pole
    • places on the Equator  ✓
    • places that are in the middle of deserts
  • A child living in York is writing out their address for an alien. Put the places in correct order, starting with the city.
    • 1
    • 2
      United Kingdom
    • 3
    • 4
      Northern hemisphere
    • 5
    • 6
      Solar system
    • 7
      Milky Way