Starter quiz

  • True or false? If a substance is described as 'soluble', then it means it can be dissolved in a solvent.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which of the following can filtration be used for in the context of separating mixtures?
    • To dissolve all components.
    • To separate insoluble substances from soluble substances.  ✓
    • To change the colour of the mixture.
    • To increase the temperature of the mixture.
  • Which of the following properties is not a physical property?
    • colour
    • boiling point
    • shiny or dull
    • flammability  ✓
  • Which property is most important when choosing a solvent to dissolve a substance?
    • The colour of the solvent.
    • The boiling point of the solvent.
    • The solubility of the substance in the solvent.  ✓
    • The smell of the solvent.
  • Substances that do not dissolve in a liquid are described as ...
    • 'insoluble' ✓
  • True or false? Crystallisation is a process that only occurs at high temperatures.
    • True, as crystallisation requires high temperatures to form crystals.
    • True, because it only happens when a solution is boiled.
    • False, as crystallisation can occur at many temperatures, even during cooling.  ✓
    • False, because crystallisation does not involve temperature changes.