Starter quiz

  • Which two things do plants take in from their surroundings through their roots?
    Which two things do plants take in from their surroundings through their roots?
    • food
    • gases from air
    • light
    • minerals  ✓
    • water  ✓
  • A plant’s leaves take in gases and <span class="blank">______</span> to keep the plant alive.
    A plant’s leaves take in gases and ______ to keep the plant alive.
    • 'light' ✓
  • Who is correct?
    • Laura: “Plants don’t need food – they are food!”
      Laura: “Plants don’t need food – they are food!”
    • Aisha: “Plants are producers. They make their own food.”
      Aisha: “Plants are producers. They make their own food.”  ✓
    • Sam: “Plants are consumers because they consume food.”
      Sam: “Plants are consumers because they consume food.”
    • Sofia: “Plants take in nutrients, which is all the food they need.”
      Sofia: “Plants take in nutrients, which is all the food they need.”
  • The food that plants make in their leaves is a type of ______.
    • 'carbohydrate' ✓
  • If you looked at the leaf under a microscope, what would you see?
    If you looked at the leaf under a microscope, what would you see?
    • The leaf is made of many cells.  ✓
    • The leaf is made of one big cell.
    • The leaf is not made of cells.
  • Chemical reactions have reactants and products. What is a reactant in a chemical reaction?
    • A substance that does not take part in the chemical reaction.
    • A substance that is made by the chemical reaction.
    • A substance that is used by the chemical reaction.  ✓
    • A substance that speeds up the chemical reaction but is not changed by it.