Starter quiz

  • Which of these are units of distance?
    • miles  ✓
    • metres (m)  ✓
    • centimetres (cm)  ✓
    • kilograms (kg)
    • kilometres (km)  ✓
  • Which word is used to describe how fast or slow an object is moving?
    • force
    • acceleration
    • direction
    • speed  ✓
    • momentum
  • Starting with the shortest, put the values in order of length.
    • 1
      30 mm
    • 2
      15 cm
    • 3
      1 m
    • 4
      150 cm
    • 5
      12 m
    • 6
      0.5 km
    • 7
      1 km
  • Which two pieces of information could you use to work out the speed of a motorcycle after it has finished a journey?
    • The weight of the motorcycle.
    • The distance the motorcycle has travelled.  ✓
    • The amount of petrol in the motorcycle.
    • The time the motorcycle was travelling for.  ✓
    • The direction the motorcycle travelled.
  • Match the description of movement to the distance travelled in a certain time.
    • A snail crawling
      2 metres each hour ✓
    • A person walking
      1 metre each second ✓
    • A fast sprinter
      9 metres each second ✓
    • A lorry on a motorway
      60 miles each hour ✓
    • A jet plane
      900 kilometres each hour ✓
  • A red car and a blue car start at the same time and travel the same distance along a track. The red car takes 20 s to reach the end and the blue car takes 25 s. Which of the statements are correct?
    • The cars are travelling at the same speed.
    • The red car is faster than the blue car.  ✓
    • The blue car is faster than the red car.
    • After 1 s the red car has travelled further than the blue car.  ✓
    • After 1 s the blue car has travelled further than the red car.