Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are parts of the human skeleton?
    Which of the following are parts of the human skeleton?
    • eye
    • knee cap  ✓
    • muscle
    • skull  ✓
  • Which type of material is the human skeleton made from?
    • 'Bone' ✓
  • The skeleton provides ________ for organs inside the body.
    The skeleton provides ________ for organs inside the body.
    • tissues
    • protection  ✓
    • bones
    • blood
  • Which of the following are living tissues?
    • Bones  ✓
    • Heart
    • Lungs
  • Match the item to its description.
    • cells
      the building blocks that living organisms are made from ✓
    • organ
      A group of different tissues that work together ✓
    • organ system
      A group of organs that work together to perform functions ✓
    • tissue
      A group of similar cells in the same place with the same job ✓
  • All living organisms are made up of cells. Starting with cell, put the parts in order of increasing size.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
      organ system
    • 5