Starter quiz

  • What do we call the young of a living organism, produced following reproduction?
    • babies
    • children
    • offspring  ✓
    • young
  • This is an image of a ladybird's...
    This is an image of a ladybird's...
    • 'life cycle' ✓
  • Which stage of the life cycle is genetic material passed from the parent to the offspring?
    • growth
    • reproduction  ✓
    • birth
  • Match the correct keyword to its definition
    • Reproduction
      Process of making offspring. ✓
    • Offspring
      The young of a living organism. ✓
    • Heredity
      Process of passing genetic features from parent to offspring ✓
    • Inherited feature
      Characteristic passed on from parent to offspring. ✓
  • This is an image of siblings. They are all offspring of the same parents. Why do they look similar but not identical?
    This is an image of siblings. They are all offspring of the same parents. Why do they look similar but not identical?
    • The boys inherit features from the dad and the girls from the mum.
    • Some inherit more features from their mum or dad.
    • Some inherit features directly from their grandparents.
    • They all inherit different combinations of features from their mum and dad.  ✓
  • All offspring ______ features from both parents.
    • 'inherit' ✓