Starter quiz

  • When one object pushes or pulls on another object, what do we call the push or pull?
    • force  ✓
    • energy
    • power
  • A force is always a ______ or a pull.
    • 'push' ✓
  • If they were thrown at the same speed, would a tennis ball (60 g) or a cricket ball (160 g) be harder to stop?
    • the tennis ball
    • the cricket ball  ✓
    • they would be equally hard to stop
  • Which one of these is a force?
    • a waterfall
    • electric current
    • a car's engine
    • the push of your hand on a door  ✓
    • the movement of a rolling ball
  • Forces make things change. Which of the following statements are true?
    • Forces can change an object's shape.  ✓
    • Forces can change the direction of an object's motion.  ✓
    • Forces can change the material an object is made of.
    • Forces can change the speed of an object.  ✓
  • Which of the following forces act on the moving speedboat? The speedboat is driving forwards.
    Which of the following forces act on the moving speedboat? The speedboat is driving forwards.
    • A gravitational force (a downwards pull from Earth).  ✓
    • An upthrust force (an upwards push from the water).  ✓
    • Air resistance (a backwards force from the air as the boat moves through it).  ✓
    • Drag (a backwards force from the water, sometimes called 'water resistance').  ✓
    • A forwards force caused by the boat's motor.  ✓