Starter quiz

  • What do forces cause?
    • changes  ✓
    • motion
    • stillness
  • Forces make things change. A larger force will cause a bigger or __________ change.
    • smaller
    • faster  ✓
    • slower
  • Which option is the best description of what it means when two things are balanced?
    Which option is the best description of what it means when two things are balanced?
    • Something is bigger on one side than the other.
    • Two things acting in different directions are adding up to have a bigger effect.
    • Two things are equal in some way but are cancelling each other out.  ✓
  • A person walks 9 metres straight forwards, then 4 metres straight backwards. The result of doing this is they are ______ metres from where they started.
    • '5' ✓
  • Forces can change an object's ______, direction or shape.
    • 'speed' ✓
  • Are the forces on this car balanced or unbalanced?
    Are the forces on this car balanced or unbalanced?
    • balanced  ✓
    • unbalanced
    • there is not enough information to decide