Starter quiz

  • Which of the following statements describe what an organism is?
    • Things that are alive.  ✓
    • Things that were once living but are now dead.  ✓
    • Things that have never been alive.
  • Which word describes an organism that eats other organisms as food?
    • producer
    • consumer  ✓
    • population
  • Which of the following are producers?
    • cow
    • tree
      tree  ✓
    • cabbage
      cabbage  ✓
    • horse
  • All animals are ______ because they have to eat other living things.
    • 'consumers' ✓
  • Which of the following are pictures of consumers?
    • grass
    • pea
    • mouse
      mouse  ✓
    • caterpillar
      caterpillar  ✓
  • Look at the diagram of a food chain. Match each organism to the word that best describes it.
    Look at the diagram of a food chain. Match each organism to the word that best describes it.
    • grass
      producer ✓
    • rabbit
      consumer ✓
    • fox
      consumer ✓