Starter quiz

  • Look at the woodland food web. Which of the following organisms is an apex predator?
    Look at the woodland food web. Which of the following organisms is an apex predator?
    • Chiff chaff
    • Vole
    • Blue tit
    • Stoat  ✓
  • Look at the woodland food web. Which of the following organisms is a producer?
    Look at the woodland food web. Which of the following organisms is a producer?
    • Blue tit
    • Aphid
    • Lady bird
    • Bramble  ✓
  • An ecosystem includes...
    • only the living organisms in an area.
    • only the non-living parts of an area.
    • both the living organisms and non-living parts of an area.  ✓
  • Look at the food chain diagram. What things will happen if the deer die out?
    Look at the food chain diagram. What things will happen if the deer die out?
    • The tigers will start to eat the grass
    • The population of grass will decrease
    • The population of grass will increase  ✓
    • The population of tigers will decrease  ✓
  • Farmers use chemicals to help them produce enough food for the human population. Having enough food for the human population is called...
    • food security.  ✓
    • a food bank.
    • food shortage.
    • a food hamper.
  • Chemicals which kill pests are called ...
    • 'pesticides' ✓