Starter quiz

  • What is the scientific name for the windpipe?
    • 'trachea' ✓
  • Which measurements do you need to calculate breathing rate?
    • number of breaths  ✓
    • pulse
    • time  ✓
    • volume of air
  • Exercise will ______ breathing rate.
    • 'increase' ✓
  • Which image shows a mitochondrion?
    Which image shows a mitochondrion?
    • A
    • B
    • C  ✓
  • The surface area of the rectangle is <span class="blank">______</span> cm².
    The surface area of the rectangle is ______ cm².
    • '168' ✓
  • If the volume of a box gets smaller, the pressure inside will ...
    • increase  ✓
    • decrease
    • stay the same