Starter quiz

  • What two things do you need to know to calculate a person’s body mass index (BMI)?
    • age
    • height  ✓
    • mass  ✓
    • shoe size
    • temperature
  • If a man has a BMI of 44, what category would he be in?
    • less than 18.5 = underweight
    • between 18.5 and 24.9 = healthy weight
    • between 30 and 39.9 = obese
    • 40 or more = severely obese  ✓
  • The overall health of a person includes both physical and ______ health.
    • 'mental' ✓
  • Which serious disease can lead to extreme weight loss and starvation?
    • anorexia  ✓
    • coronary heart disease
    • obesity
    • stroke
  • Which type of muscle do we find in the heart?
    • cardiac muscle  ✓
    • skeletal muscle
    • smooth muscle
  • Match the organ to its function.
    • lung
      the site of gas exchange ✓
    • heart
      pumps blood around the body ✓
    • blood vessels
      transports oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs ✓