Starter quiz

  • Which foods should be limited in a balanced diet?
    • crisps  ✓
    • fizzy drinks  ✓
    • fruit
    • vegetables
  • Which nutrients provide energy?
    • carbohydrates  ✓
    • fats  ✓
    • proteins
    • vitamins
  • Joules is a measurement of ______ in our food.
    • 'energy' ✓
  • Put these BMI categories into order of increasing size.
    • 1
    • 2
      Healthy weight
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
      Severely obese
  • There are <span class="blank">______</span> kcal in a 100 ml of this orange juice.
    There are ______ kcal in a 100 ml of this orange juice.
    • '40' ✓
  • There are <span class="blank">______</span> kJ in a 100 ml of this orange juice.
    There are ______ kJ in a 100 ml of this orange juice.
    • '172' ✓