Starter quiz

  • What type of organism always starts a food chain?
    • Consumer
    • Herbivore
    • Producer  ✓
  • Which types of organisms are producers?
    • algae
      algae  ✓
    • plants
      plants  ✓
    • fungi
    • animals
  • A cow eats grass, therefore it is known as a ______ consumer.
    • 'primary' ✓
  • Which foods have a high fat content?
    • apple
    • butter  ✓
    • cheese  ✓
    • pasta
    • water
  • Match up the food group to its function in the body.
    • carbohydrate
      provides energy ✓
    • fat
      provides energy, insulation and are in cell membranes ✓
    • protein
      builds cells and tissues ✓
    • mineral e.g. calcium
      helps to strengthen bones and teeth ✓
  • True or false? Taking a vitamin tablet is the only way to get vitamins.
    True or false? Taking a vitamin tablet is the only way to get vitamins.
    • True
    • False ✓