Starter quiz

  • A ______ is a piece of equipment that is used to see things that are very small.
    • 'microscope' ✓
  • Which parts of the microscope magnify an image?
    • eyepiece lens  ✓
    • light
    • focusing wheel
    • objective lens  ✓
  • Which is not a part of a microscope?
    • focusing wheel
    • light/mirror
    • telescope  ✓
    • stage
    • eyepiece lens
  • Which action would you take to increase the magnification of this image (to make the individual cells appear larger)?
    Which action would you take to increase the magnification of this image (to make the individual cells appear larger)?
    • move the stage
    • increase the brightness of the light
    • turn the focusing wheel
    • increase the value of the objective lens  ✓
  • Which of these images is more focused?
  • A ______ is a piece of curved glass that focuses and magnifies light.
    • 'lens' ✓