Starter quiz

  • What are all living organisms are made of?
    • blood
    • cells  ✓
    • organs
  • Most cells are too small to see so a ______ must be used to magnify them.
    • 'light microscope' ✓
  • Match these key words to their definition
    • Magnification
      Make an object bigger ✓
    • Focus
      Make an object clearer ✓
    • Lens
      Glass that magnifies and focuses an image ✓
  • Which two of these descriptions would be used for a good scientific line drawing?
    • Smooth continuous lines  ✓
    • Sketched lines
    • Shaded
    • Labelled  ✓
  • Choose two of the processes that all living organisms carry out at some stage in their life cycle
    • Breathing
    • Movement  ✓
    • Thinking
    • Nutrition  ✓
    • Chewing
  • Name the process that all living organisms carry out to provide cells with energy.
    • 'respiration' ✓