Starter quiz

  • Which organism is the producer in this food chain?
    Which organism is the producer in this food chain?
    • cabbage  ✓
    • greenfly
    • ladybird
  • Where do producers get their energy from?
    • 'The Sun' ✓
  • Match the word to its description.
    • herbivore
      organisms who only eat plant material ✓
    • carnivore
      organisms that consume other animals ✓
    • omnivore
      organisms that eat both plant and animal material ✓
  • Match the word to its description.
    • predator
      animals that hunt and eat what they catch ✓
    • prey
      animals that are hunted and eaten ✓
  • How many prey are there in this food chain?
    How many prey are there in this food chain?
    • one
    • two  ✓
    • three
    • four
  • How many predators are there in this food chain?
    How many predators are there in this food chain?
    • one
    • two  ✓
    • three
    • four