Starter quiz

  • Which element does the chemical symbol 'O' represent?
    • 'oxygen' ✓
  • In the chemical formula CO₂, what element does 'C' represent?
    • 'carbon' ✓
  • Which of the following is a molecule?
    • Na
    • H₂O  ✓
    • Mg
    • NH₃  ✓
  • Match the chemical formula to the correct substance.
    • oxygen atom
      O ✓
    • elemental oxygen
      O₂ ✓
    • molecule made of hydrogen and oxygen
      H₂O ✓
    • molecule of hydrogen
      H₂ ✓
  • Each ______ is represented by its own chemical symbol, for example 'K', 'Fe' or 'C'.
    • 'element' ✓
  • Match each term with its correct definition.
    • element
      A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. ✓
    • atom
      The smallest unit of a chemical element. ✓
    • matter
      Anything that has mass and takes up space. ✓
    • pure
      A substance composed of only one chemical substance. ✓
    • molecule
      Two or more atoms bonded together (usually non-metals). ✓
    • compound
      Two or more different types of atoms bonded together. ✓