Starter quiz

  • What name is given to the number 1000?
    • one hundred
    • one thousand  ✓
    • one million
    • one billion
  • Which of the numbers below represents one million?
    • 1000
    • 10 000
    • 100 000
    • 1 000 000  ✓
  • What is the name of the planet upon which we all live?
    What is the name of the planet upon which we all live?
    • 'Earth' ✓
  • Which picture shows a fossil?
    • A
    • B
    • C
      C  ✓
    • D
  • Which of these things could not become a fossil?
    • plastic bottle
      plastic bottle  ✓
    • animal
    • plant
  • What is a fossil?
    • a living organism
    • a rock containing an organism
    • the remains of a living organism
    • the mineralised remains of a living organism  ✓