Starter quiz

  • There are differences between these four individuals of the same species of giraffe. What is the scientific term for these differences?
    There are differences between these four individuals of the same species of giraffe. What is the scientific term for these differences?
    • biodiversity
    • inheritance
    • natural selection
    • variation  ✓
  • Giraffes eat leaves from trees, but there is a limited number of leaves. The giraffes are in <span class="blank">______</span> for the leaves.
    Giraffes eat leaves from trees, but there is a limited number of leaves. The giraffes are in ______ for the leaves.
    • 'competition' ✓
  • Which giraffe has an advantage in the competition for food?
    Which giraffe has an advantage in the competition for food?
    • The giraffe with the longer neck  ✓
    • The giraffe with the shorter neck
    • Neither giraffe has an advantage
    • Both giraffes have the advantage
  • Which giraffe is the best adapted to survive?
    Which giraffe is the best adapted to survive?
    • The giraffe with the longer neck  ✓
    • The giraffe with the shorter neck
    • Neither giraffe is well adapted to survive
    • The two giraffes are equally well adapted to survive
  • Which giraffe would scientists describe as the fittest?
    Which giraffe would scientists describe as the fittest?
    • The giraffe with the longer neck  ✓
    • The giraffe with the shorter neck
    • Neither giraffe
    • Both giraffes are equally fit
  • Put the statements in order, to explain why giraffes with longer necks became more common in the population.
    • 1
      There was variation between the giraffes.
    • 2
      Long neck giraffes were better adapted to compete for food, so had an advantage.
    • 3
      Giraffes with longer necks were more likely to survive and reproduce.
    • 4
      They were more likely to pass on the genes for a longer neck to their offspring.
    • 5
      Longer necks became more common in each new generation of giraffes.