Starter quiz

  • Which of these types of diagram is a line graph?
    • A
    • B
      B  ✓
    • C
  • What is pollution?
    • When harmful materials are put into the environment.  ✓
    • When people use electricity.
    • When there is not enough of something to go round everyone.
    • When animals, including humans, become ill.
  • What is a person’s diet?
    • The healthy foods that they eat.
    • All of the foods they eat regularly.  ✓
    • What they eat when they are trying to reduce calories.
    • The meal they have in the evening.
  • On this graph, what is shown on the y axis?
    On this graph, what is shown on the y axis?
    • the age of children measured
    • the height of children measured  ✓
    • the number of children measured
  • Match the date to the correct name.
    • 1700-1800
      the 18th century ✓
    • 1800-1900
      the 19th century ✓
    • 1900-2000
      the 20th century ✓
    • 2000-2100
      the 21st century ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, order these dates.
    • 1
      5000 BCE
    • 2
      1000 BCE
    • 3
      100 BCE
    • 4
      500 CE
    • 5
      1900 CE