Starter quiz

  • How many months are in one year?
    • '12' ✓
  • Which statement below describes a feature of a mammal?
    • Mammals have hair or fur.  ✓
    • Mammals have feathers.
    • Mammals have scales.
  • Which statement below is true about mammals?
    • Most female mammals lay eggs.
    • Most female mammals carry their babies inside them.  ✓
    • Most female mammals do not have babies.
  • Which word refers to a human in the first stage of life?
    • child
    • teenager
    • baby  ✓
    • adult
  • Which word does not refer to an animal when it is a baby or child?
    • young
    • parent  ✓
    • offspring
  • Starting with kick legs, put these statements in order of human development during the first year of life.
    • 1
      kick legs
    • 2
      roll over
    • 3
    • 4
      sit up
    • 5
    • 6