Starter quiz

  • What are muscles for?
    What are muscles for?
    • Protection
    • Moving  ✓
    • Growing
    • Learning
  • When we talk about our intellectual development we mean the way our ____________ develops.
    • bones
    • muscles
    • brain  ✓
  • When we talk about our physical development we mean the way our ______ develops.
    • 'body' ✓
  • Match the stage of human development to the correct explanation.
    • Baby
      The youngest humans ✓
    • Toddler
      A human that has just learned to walk ✓
    • Child
      A young human growing taller and learning new skills ✓
    • Adolescent
      A human who is developing from a child into an adult ✓
  • Which of these changes usually happen during puberty?
    • Baby teeth fall out
    • Body hair grows in new places  ✓
    • Hair turns grey
    • Periods start  ✓
  • What is the name for the human development stage between childhood and adulthood?
    • 'adolescence' ✓