Starter quiz

  • Pushes and pulls are types of...
    • 'forces' ✓
  • What type of force is gravity?
    • push
    • pull  ✓
  • Which types of forces occur when objects are touching each other?
    • contact forces  ✓
    • non-contact forces
  • Match the type of force to the example.
    • contact
      pushing open a door with your hand ✓
    • non-contact
      pulling a paperclip with a magnet ✓
  • If you throw a ball in the air, it falls back down to the ground because...
    If you throw a ball in the air, it falls back down to the ground because...
    • all objects are pulled towards Earth  ✓
    • all objects are pushed towards Earth
    • all objects are magnetically attracted to Earth
  • Starting with the smallest, order these objects by the size of their gravitational pull.
    • 1
    • 2
      Earth's Moon
    • 3
    • 4