Starter quiz

  • What do pull forces do?
    • move objects further away
    • move objects closer  ✓
    • keep objects in the same position
  • Which of these activities involve a push force?
    • brushing hair
      brushing hair
    • turning on a switch
      turning on a switch  ✓
    • walking
      walking  ✓
  • Gravity is the force that attracts or ______ objects to Earth.
    • 'pulls' ✓
  • A seesaw is an example of what type of simple machine or mechanism?
    A seesaw is an example of what type of simple machine or mechanism?
    • 'lever' ✓
  • When you use a lever, what do you call the force used to move an object.
    • the push
    • the effort  ✓
    • the pull
    • the load
  • What is the name given to the thing you lift using a lever?
    What is the name given to the thing you lift using a lever?
    • 'load' ✓