Starter quiz

  • Pushes and pulls are …
    • 'forces' ✓
  • What is the type of force that acts between two surfaces trying to move across each other?
    What is the type of force that acts between two surfaces trying to move across each other?
    • magnetism
    • friction  ✓
    • twists
    • gravity
  • What does friction do to moving objects?
    What does friction do to moving objects?
    • speeds them up
    • nothing
    • slows them down  ✓
  • Name the force which pulls unsupported objects towards the centre of Earth.
    • 'gravity' ✓
  • In which of these situations is friction useful?
    • Going as fast as possible down a slide.
    • Rubbing your hands together to warm them.  ✓
    • The moving parts in engines heating up.
  • Friction works in the ______ direction to the movement.
    • 'opposite' ✓