Starter quiz

  • Which of these objects is a sphere?
    • egg
    • basketball
      basketball  ✓
    • pizza
  • What shape is the planet we live on?
    What shape is the planet we live on?
    • 'sphere' ✓
  • If something has been divided into four equal parts, how much is each part?
    If something has been divided into four equal parts, how much is each part?
    • A half
    • A third
    • A quarter  ✓
    • A fifth
  • What is the name of this object in space?
    What is the name of this object in space?
    • 'Moon' ✓
  • How big is a kilometre?
    How big is a kilometre?
    • 100 centimetres
    • 1,000 centimetres
    • 100 metres
    • 1,000 metres  ✓
  • If we wanted to find out facts about something, which of these would not be a good place to look for information?
    • A story book  ✓
    • A non-fiction book
    • The internet