Starter quiz

  • What is the name of this object in space?
    What is the name of this object in space?
    • 'Sun' ✓
  • Which of these objects in space is the largest?
    • Sun
      Sun  ✓
    • Moon
    • Earth
  • The shape of the Sun is called a __________.
    The shape of the Sun is called a __________.
    • 'sphere' ✓
  • What is the surface of something?
    • The centre or middle
    • The underside
    • The outside or top layer  ✓
  • What units of measure do we use for temperature?
    • centimetres
    • degrees Celsius  ✓
    • kilograms
    • kilometres
  • Match the material to the correct state of matter.
    • water
      liquid ✓
    • air
      gas ✓
    • wood
      solid ✓