Starter quiz

  • Which statement best describes the Moon?
    Which statement best describes the Moon?
    • The Moon is a star.
    • The Moon is a planet.
    • The Moon is the closest object in space to Earth.  ✓
    • The Moon is a meteorite.
  • Something that produces and gives out its own light is called a light ______.
    • 'source' ✓
  • Which of these is not a light source?
    • candle
    • television
    • stars
    • clouds
      clouds  ✓
  • Which of these is the main natural light source for planet Earth?
    • lightning
    • The Sun
      The Sun  ✓
    • fire
    • lamp
  • When light hits a surface and bounces off, scientists say that light is ______ from the surface.
    • 'reflected' ✓
  • Which word do we use to describe how Earth moves around the Sun?
    • rotate
    • turn
    • twist
    • orbit  ✓