Starter quiz

  • All animals grow and change from when they are born to when they become ...
    All animals grow and change from when they are born to when they become ...
    • an adult  ✓
    • an offspring
    • a life cycle
  • An animal's life cycle is ...
    An animal's life cycle is ...
    • What it eats.
    • The journey from when it is born until when it becomes an adult.  ✓
    • How it gets its food.
  • When scientists look closely to see how an animal grows and changes, what skill are they using?
    When scientists look closely to see how an animal grows and changes, what skill are they using?
    • researching
    • sorting
    • observing  ✓
  • Aisha spots some butterflies on a flower and realises that she has never seen a baby butterfly. Why do you think that is?
    Aisha spots some butterflies on a flower and realises that she has never seen a baby butterfly. Why do you think that is?
    • Baby butterflies are very shy and hard to spot.
    • Baby butterflies only come out at night.
    • The offspring of a butterfly is a caterpillar.  ✓
  • When we observe this penguin and its chick we notice that ...
    When we observe this penguin and its chick we notice that ...
    • The chick is smaller than the penguin. The chick has grey, fluffy feathers.  ✓
    • The penguin is bigger than the chick. The penguin has grey, fluffy feathers.
    • The chick is smaller than the penguin. The chick has black and white feathers.
  • Put these different stages of a frog's life cycle in order starting with the youngest.
    Put these different stages of a frog's life cycle in order starting with the youngest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4