Starter quiz

  • Which of the following forces slow down a sledge that is sliding down a snow-covered hill?
    • air resistance  ✓
    • friction  ✓
    • gravitational
    • normal reaction force
  • Which of the energy stores does friction transfer energy into?
    • chemical store
    • gravitational store
    • kinetic store
    • thermal store  ✓
  • Match the energy stores on the left to their descriptions on the right.
    • chemical store
      energy due to chemical reactions ✓
    • gravitational store
      energy due to an object's mass and height ✓
    • kinetic store
      energy due to an object's mass and speed ✓
    • thermal store
      energy due to particle movement ✓
  • Why does a hot cup of tea cool down?
    • All of its energy is used up.
    • All of its energy is transferred to the surroundings.
    • Some of its energy is used up.
    • Some of its energy is transferred to the surroundings.  ✓
  • Why is the rebound height of a ball not the same as the height that it was dropped from?
    • Earth's gravitational force is pulling the ball downwards.
    • The normal reaction force from the ground is less than the gravitational force.
    • Pushing air out of the way uses up some of the ball's energy.
    • Pushing air out of the way transfers some energy to the air particles.  ✓
  • The law of conservation or energy states that energy cannot be created or ...
    • 'destroyed' ✓