Starter quiz

  • A surd is in its ______ when the radicand is an integer with no perfect square factors greater than 1.
    • 'simplest form' ✓
  • Which of these surds are in their simplest form?
    • 3\sqrt 4
    • 8\sqrt 3  ✓
    • \sqrt {100}
    • 21\sqrt 9
  • \sqrt {18} simplifies to a\sqrt 2. What is the value of a?
    • '3' ✓
  • 3\sqrt {76} simplifies to k\sqrt {19}. What is the value of k?
    • 2
    • 3
    • 6  ✓
    • 19
  • 3\sqrt {125} simplifies to h\sqrt 5. What is the value of h?
    • '15' ✓
  • 9\sqrt {98} simplifies to d\sqrt 2. What is the value of d?
    • '63' ✓