Starter quiz

  • Two variables are in direct ______ if they have a constant multiplicative relationship.
    • 'proportion' ✓
  • Which of the following show a directly proportional relationship between A and B?
  • A and B are directly proportional.   The missing value of B is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    A and B are directly proportional. The missing value of B is ______.
    • '36' ✓
  • A and B are directly proportional. The missing value of B is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    A and B are directly proportional. The missing value of B is ______.
    • '90' ✓
  • The graph shows the relationship between cost and number of boxes bought. Can you spend exactly £5 on boxes?
    The graph shows the relationship between cost and number of boxes bought. Can you spend exactly £5 on boxes?
    • No, reading off the graph at £5 shows you can buy between 2 and 3 boxes.  ✓
    • Yes, reading off the graph at £5 shows you can buy exactly 3 boxes.
  • This graph shows that A and B are in direct proportion. The proportional relationship between A and B is B = A × <span class="blank">______</span>.
    This graph shows that A and B are in direct proportion. The proportional relationship between A and B is B = A × ______.
    • '3' ✓