Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is the correct calculation for finding 20% of 300?
    • 300 + 0.2
    • 300 − 0.2
    • 300 × 0.2  ✓
    • 300 ÷ 0.2
  • A number is increased by 25%. 1 part is equal to 25%. What will be the total number of parts representing the new number?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
  • The cost of a TV increases by 20%. The new price is £420. What was the cost of the TV before the price increase? Without calculating the answer, decide whose answers cannot possibly be correct?
    • Andeep says the answer is £525  ✓
    • Izzy says the answer is £502  ✓
    • Aisha says the answer is £350
    • Jacob says the answer is £226
  • Jun thinks of a number and increases it by 20%. Jun's new number is 720. What was his original number?
    • 900
    • 864
    • 600  ✓
    • 576
  • The cost of a TV increases by 20%. The new price is £420. The cost of the TV before the price increase is £ ______.
    • '350' ✓
  • The cost of a concert ticket is £80. This is an increase of 25% on last year. The cost of the ticket last year was £ ______.
    • '64' ✓