Starter quiz

  • __________, __________, __________ and __________ all represent proportion and you can interchange between them; this means there are lots of different ways to work out a percentage of an amount.
    • Money, food, shopping and coins
    • Fractions, proper fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers
    • Fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio  ✓
    • Positive numbers, negative numbers, squares and cubes
  • 1% is equivalent to the decimal ______.
    • '0.01' ✓
  • \frac{3}{50} as a percentage is ______%.
    • '6%' ✓
  • Match each percentage to its decimal equivalent.
    • 15%
      0.15 ✓
    • 21%
      0.21 ✓
    • 9%
      0.09 ✓
    • 90%
      0.9 ✓
    • 0.9%
      0.009 ✓
    • 1.5%
      0.015 ✓
  • What percentage of 98 is represented by this calculation: 98 − 9.8?
    • 1%
    • 10%
    • 50%
    • 90%  ✓
    • 99%
  • 51% of 400 is ______.
    • '204' ✓