Starter quiz

  • Match the following to the correct reciprocal.
    • 3
      1\over3 ✓
    • 5\over2
      2\over5 ✓
    • 1.25
      4\over5 ✓
    • 5\over20
      4 ✓
    • 3 {1\over2}
      2\over7 ✓
  • A shop has a sale saving you 1\over3. You pay £36 for a sweatshirt. How much was it originally?
    • '£54' ✓
  • 1\over6 of 150 = 5\over6 of ______.
    • '30' ✓
  • I think of a number. 5\over8 of my number is 15. What is my number?
    • '24' ✓
  • The cost of a laptop increases by 1\over8. It now costs £675. How much was it originally?
    • '£600' ✓
  • Alex's cat loses 1\over7 of it's weight. It now weighs 4.2 kg, how heavy was it last year?
    • '4.9 kg' ✓