Starter quiz

  • Complete the sentence: The exchange rate shows a ______ relationship between 2 currencies.
    • 'multiplicative' ✓
  • A graph representing a proportional relationship must go through which point?
    • (2, 1)
    • (2, 2)
    • (0, 0)  ✓
    • (1, 2)
  • Use the graph to convert £100 into dollars ($).
    Use the graph to convert £100 into dollars ($).
    • '£125' ✓
  • Use the graph to convert $25 into pounds (£).
    Use the graph to convert $25 into pounds (£).
    • '£20' ✓
  • £1 : ¥182. Use this exchange rate to convert £300 into yen (¥).
    • '¥54 600' ✓
  • £1:¥182 Use this exchange rate to convert ¥31 850 into pounds (£).
    • '£175' ✓