Starter quiz

  • Match the equivalent ratios.
    • 4 : 5
      12 : 15 ✓
    • 4 : 3
      16 : 12 ✓
    • 3 : 4
      15 : 20 ✓
    • 5 : 4
      60 : 48 ✓
    • 5 : 3
      25 : 15 ✓
    • 3 : 5
      24 : 40 ✓
  • What symbol separates the parts of a ratio? E.g. the mathematical notation for writing 4 to 5.
    • ':' ✓
  • Simplify 24 : 36
    • '2 : 3' ✓
  • In a bag there are only triangles and squares. The ratio of triangles to squares is 3 : 1. There are 60 shapes in total. Who correctly worked out the number of squares?
    • Alex "60 triangles, so there are 20 squares because of the ratio is 3 : 1"
    • Laura "180 triangles, so there are 40 squares because of the ratio is 3 : 1"
    • Andeep "20 triangles, so there are 40 squares because of the ratio is 4 : 1"
    • Sofia "45 triangles, so there are 15 squares because of the ratio is 4 : 1"  ✓
    • Jun "34 triangles, so there are 26 squares because of the ratio is 4 : 1"
  • Chocolates in a box either have red or blue wrappers. The ratio of red to blue is 5 : 4. If the difference between the red and blue chocolates is 3, how many chocolates are in the box?
    • '27' ✓
  • Chocolates in a box either have red or blue wrappers. The ratio of red to blue is 3 : 2. Andeep eats 2 blue chocolates and now the ratio is 12 : 7. How many blues were in the box originally?
    • '16' ✓