Starter quiz

  • In which direction is this object being rotated?
    In which direction is this object being rotated?
    • clockwise
    • anti-clockwise  ✓
    • the object is not being rotated
  • This arrow is currently pointing in the W (west) compass direction. If this arrow is rotated clockwise, what is the first compass direction that it passes through?
    This arrow is currently pointing in the W (west) compass direction. If this arrow is rotated clockwise, what is the first compass direction that it passes through?
    • N (north)  ✓
    • E (east)
    • S (south)
    • W (west)
  • Match the size an angle in degrees to its description.
    • 90°
      a quarter turn ✓
    • 180°
      a half turn ✓
    • 360°
      a full turn ✓
    • 540°
      one and a half full turns ✓
    • 720°
      two full turns ✓
    • 900°
      two and a half turn turns ✓
  • Sofia stands on the spot and rotates clockwise by a half turn and then rotates clockwise by a further three-quarter turn. In total, how many degrees has Sofia rotated by? ______
    • '450' ✓
  • Sofia stands on the spot and rotates anti-clockwise by an angle between a quarter of a full turn and half of full turn. Which of these is a sensible answer for the size of Sofia's rotation?
    • 85°
    • 115°  ✓
    • 175°  ✓
    • 185°
    • 295°
  • Which of these is a suitable description for this rotation?
    Which of these is a suitable description for this rotation?
    • Rotated anti-clockwise by 50°.  ✓
    • Rotated clockwise by 50°.
    • Rotated anti-clockwise by 135°.
    • Rotated clockwise by 135°.
    • Rotated anti-clockwise by 180°.