Starter quiz

  • What do we call the expression in a fraction, written below the fraction line?
    • addend
    • base
    • denominator  ✓
    • numerator
    • variable
  • What is the next number in this sequence with a constant additive pattern? 5, 9, 13, ______, ...
    • '17' ✓
  • What is the missing number in this sequence with a constant multiplicative pattern? 2, 6, ______, 54, ...
    • '18' ✓
  • Match the calculation to the value it will find for the sequence ..., ?, 2,10, ...
    • 10\div 2
      The multiplier for a constant multiplicative rule ✓
    • 10\times 5
      The next value in a constant multiplicative sequence  ✓
    • 10 - 2
      The value being added in a constant additive sequence ✓
    • 10 + 8
      The next value in a constant additive sequence ✓
    • 2\div 5
      The previous value in a constant multiplicative sequence ✓
    • 2 - 8
      The previous value in a constant additive sequence ✓
  • Match these directed number calculations to their answers.
    • (-12) + (-6)
      -18 ✓
    • (-12)\div (-6)
      2 ✓
    • (-12)-(-6)
      -6 ✓
    • (-12)\times (-6)
      72 ✓
    • 12\times (-6)
      -72 ✓
    • 12\div (-6)
      -2 ✓
  • Match the answers to their corresponding fraction calculation.
    • 1\over 2
      {4\over 5}-{3\over 10} ✓
    • 11\over 10
      {4\over 5}+{3\over 10} ✓
    • 8\over 3
      {4\over 5}\div{3\over 10} ✓
    • 6\over 25
      {4\over 5}\times{3\over 10} ✓
    • 25\over 6
      5\times{5\over 6} ✓
    • 6
      5\div{5\over 6} ✓