Starter quiz

  • Divisibility is a number’s ability to be:
    • squared
    • divided by another number
    • exactly divided by another number, leaving no remainder  ✓
    • multiplied by another number
  • A number is a multiple of 3 when the sum of its digits is divisible by ______
    • '3' ✓
  • Match each number with the correct statement.
    • 478 374 378
      is divisible by 2 and 3 ✓
    • 989 890 484
      is divisible by 2 ✓
    • 113 890 291
      is not divisible by 2 or 3  ✓
    • 231 321
      is divisible by 3 ✓
  • Is the statement "all common multiples of 2 and 3 are even" sometimes true, always true or never true?
    • Always true  ✓
    • Sometimes true
    • Never true
  • Is the statement "all common multiples of 3 and 7 are even" sometimes true, always true or never true?
    • Always true
    • Sometimes true  ✓
    • Never true
  • The number 238 839 239 382.33 has a digit sum of 66. Sofia says it is a multiple of 3. Alex says it is also a multiple of 2. Andeep says it not a multiple of 2 or 3. Who is correct
    • Sofia
    • Alex
    • Andeep  ✓
    • They are all wrong