Starter quiz

  • Which letter on the scale of likelihoods represents 'even chance'?
    Which letter on the scale of likelihoods represents 'even chance'?
    • A
    • B
    • C  ✓
    • D
    • E
  • What does the letter A represent on the scale of likelihoods?
    What does the letter A represent on the scale of likelihoods?
    • certain
    • even chance
    • impossible  ✓
    • likely
    • unlikely
  • Which word describes the likelihood of an outcome that is guaranteed to happen?
    • certain  ✓
    • even chance
    • impossible
    • likely
    • unlikely
  • Which percentage is equivalent to 0.1?
    • 0.001%
    • 0.01%
    • 0.1%
    • 1%
    • 10%  ✓
  • Which fraction is equivalent to 50%?
    • {1}\over{2}  ✓
    • {1}\over{5}
    • {1}\over{20}
    • {1}\over{50}
  • What is 25% of 2000?
    • '500' ✓