Starter quiz

  • Which of these are properties of a square
    • It has 4 right angles  ✓
    • All sides are the same length  ✓
    • It has angles of 60 degrees
    • Two sides are the same length but the other two are different.
    • It has 5 sides
  • Jun marks the coordinate (3,4) on a set of axes with a cross. What word best describes what he has done?
    • plotted  ✓
    • drawn
    • estimated
    • generalised
    • multiplied
  • Lucas has put -3 and 4 on a number line. What calculation will give him the distance between these numbers on his number line?
    • -3+4
    • -3\div 4
    • 4-(-3)  ✓
    • 4-3
    • -4+3
  • Calculate (-8)-(-10)
    • '2' ✓
  • Match the coordinate with the equation for the line it will lie on
    • (2,3)
      y=3 ✓
    • (3,6)
      x=3 ✓
    • (-3,-3)
      y=x ✓
    • (5,-5)
      y=-x ✓
    • (-2,-3)
      y=2x+1 ✓
    • (-3,4)
      y=-3x-5 ✓
  • These three coordinates are plotted on an axis. (-10,3) (-8,3) (-10,1). What coordinate needs to be plotted to form a square?
    • '(-8' ✓