Starter quiz

  • How many 'asteroids' are in the list?
    How many 'asteroids' are in the list?
    • '2' ✓
  • How many groups of 6 are in 36?
    • '6' ✓
  • The frequency is the ______ of times an event occurs; or the of individuals (people, animals etc.) with some specific property.
    • 'number' ✓
  • What number does this tally show?
    What number does this tally show?
    • '18' ✓
  • The chart shows how many times some zoo animals were seen in an hour. The <span class="blank">______</span> was seen 9 times.
    The chart shows how many times some zoo animals were seen in an hour. The ______ was seen 9 times.
    • 'elephant' ✓
  • What is {{\frac {1} {4}} \times 20} ?
    • '5' ✓