Starter quiz

  • {4 + 4 + 4 + 2 =} ______
    • '14' ✓
  • Which of these have an answer of 24?
    • {3\times 8}  ✓
    • {2\times 4}
    • {6\times 4}  ✓
    • {2.4\times 10}  ✓
    • {12\times 3}
  • What is {{{1}\over{2}} \text{ of 6}}?
    • '3' ✓
  • How many times is the word 'star' in this list? \text{moon, star, moon, star, star,}\text{planet, planet, moon, star,}\text{planet, asteroid, star, asteroid,}\text{planet, moon, star}
    • '6' ✓
  • This is an example of a <span class="blank">______</span> chart.
    This is an example of a ______ chart.
    • 'tally' ✓
  • How many giraffes are represented in this frequency table?
    How many giraffes are represented in this frequency table?
    • '5' ✓