Starter quiz

  • The value of <Math>a</Math> is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    The value of a is ______.
    • '37' ✓
  • Match the type of triangle and the description.
    • scalene triangle
      All three edges and angles are different to each other. ✓
    • isosceles triangle
      At least two edges and two angles are equal to each other. ✓
    • equilateral triangle
      All three edges and angles are equal to each other. ✓
    • right-angled triangle
      One of the angles is 90°. ✓
  • Which angles are always equal to the angle marked <Math>a</Math>?
    Which angles are always equal to the angle marked a?
    • b
    • c  ✓
    • d
    • e  ✓
    • f
  • The value of the angle marked <Math>r</Math>° is <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    The value of the angle marked r° is ______°.
    • '127' ✓
  • The value of the angle marked <Math>x</Math>° is <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    The value of the angle marked x° is ______°.
    • '131' ✓
  • The value of the angle marked <Math>m</Math>° is <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    The value of the angle marked m° is ______°.
    • '116' ✓