Starter quiz

  • TU is a line segment. <Math>a</Math>° = <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    TU is a line segment. a° = ______°.
    • '37' ✓
  • These three angles lie around a point on a full turn. <Math>b</Math>° = <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    These three angles lie around a point on a full turn. b° = ______°.
    • '54' ✓
  • This diagram shows four angles around two line segments that meet at an intersection. Which of these statements are correct for angle <Math>c</Math>°?
    This diagram shows four angles around two line segments that meet at an intersection. Which of these statements are correct for angle c°?
    • Angle c° and 42° are vertically opposite.
    • Angle c° and 42° are supplementary.  ✓
    • Angle c° and 42° are conjugate.
    • Angle c° is 42°.
    • Angle c° is 138°.  ✓
  • This diagram shows four angles around two line segments that meet at an intersection. Which of these statements are correct for angle <Math>d</Math>?
    This diagram shows four angles around two line segments that meet at an intersection. Which of these statements are correct for angle d?
    • Angle d° and 42° are vertically opposite.  ✓
    • Angle d° and 42° are supplementary.
    • Angle d° and 42° are conjugate.
    • Angle d° is 42°.  ✓
    • Angle d° is 318°.
  • PQ and RS are straight line segments. <Math>e</Math>° = <span class="blank">______</span>°.
    PQ and RS are straight line segments. e° = ______°.
    • '111' ✓
  • PQ and RS are straight line segments. Match each angle to its size.
    PQ and RS are straight line segments. Match each angle to its size.
    • f°
      155° ✓
    • g°
      25° ✓
    • h°
      65° ✓
    • right angle
      90° ✓
    • not an angle on the diagram
      45° ✓
    • sum of angles on the diagram
      360° ✓